Instagram Commenter and DM Deluxe Documentation

Directions for Use

IMPORTANT!!! The 3 variables "How many Post On Top Post Page to Check?", "How many Posts to Check for Likers?", "How Many Likers per Post to get?"  determine how many accounts you will check to communicate with.

It will first go to a top post page for whatever Hashtag you enter. The first of the three options sets how many accounts you want to check, the second one is for how many posts you want to check from each account, and the third one is for how many likers on each of these posts. The total number of accounts it will look through will be calculated as follows:

  • First option x Second option x Third option

For example:

  • If you enter 2, 2, and 2, it will check (2 x 2) x 2 = 8 accounts.
  • If you enter 3, 2, and 4, it will check (3 x 2) x 4 = 24 accounts.

This can add up very quickly, so keep the numbers low to avoid being banned from Instagram.

Steps to Configure and Use

  1. Make sure your Open AI API key is added to your account in the settings if you will be using that.
  2. Add Cookies for your account. Ensure that the cookies for your Instagram account are correctly added to allow the bot to operate.
  3. Set the Hashtag to Visit. The hashtag you want to pull likers from should be entered as one word, according to Instagram's hashtag structure. For example, if you enter "website design", it will be corrected to "websitedesign".
  4. Fill in the Required Variables. Variables with * before the letters are ones for you to fill in. (Response to posts (Only if you don't want Chat GPT to do it) is the only one that does not need to be filled in. If you want ChatGPT to automatically send a response for an Instagram Post then leave this blank. The rest like the Response for stories and Response for DM messages need to be filled in.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Issue: Bot is not operating correctly.
    • Solution: Ensure that cookies are correctly added and valid. Double-check the hashtag format and all required variables.
  • Issue: Getting banned or restricted by Instagram.
    • Solution: Reduce the number of accounts, posts, and likers you are checking. Avoid high values that can trigger Instagram's anti-bot measures.
  • Issue: Responses are not being sent.
    • Solution: Ensure all required response fields are filled in. If relying on ChatGPT to send responses, verify that the "Response to posts" field is left blank.

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